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Forme Tech62

Clean & Efficient Production

We're Committed to preserving our environment.

At Forme Technologies we are fully committed to improving and preserving our environment. We believe that everyone has a part to play in order to effect a positive outcome. Forme Technologies has set about to be an example in our industry sector, striving to achieve reductions in green house gas emissions as well as improved productivity. In 2018, it was decided insofar as it was possible to switch our production requirements to renewable energy sources.

Due to our geographic location, solar energy provided the most effective solution both practically and financially. As part of our social commitment, we engaged local providers to execute this strategy, the investment of which provided a direct benefit to the local community. The solar energy system was commissioned in April 2018 and by the middle of May and weather permitting, we were running for the most part on solar energy.

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Forme Tech58

More than 175 solar panels

An array of more than 175 panels were installed on our roof which can produce approximately 75KW/h of electricity. Our solar roof not only transforms solar energy into electricity, but also, and as the side benefit of helping to  reduce  the effects of the urban heat island, and to some extend reducing the internal temperature in the building during summer. This solar installation together with the implementation of power factor correction systems has dramatically reduced our energy footprint as well as a significantly reduced energy bill – a win , win for all.

Energy Efficient

On the basis that we were now generating most of our electricity, it made sense to start upgrading our ageing fleet of hydraulic injection moulding machines to modern and very energy-efficient all-electric or hybrid machines. Since 2019 we have gradually introduced a fleet of “state of the art”, all-electric injection and hybrid moulding machines thereby further reducing our energy footprint together with improved process efficiency. Since then we have been enjoying the benefits of all-electric machines that are typically 30% to 60% more power-efficient than their hydraulic counterparts.

Over and above this, the machines are cleaner to run with zero residues and are also significantly quieter than hydraulic machines. Indeed, the noise reduction levels in the factory have been quite noticeable, again making for a better environment for the operations team thereby improving productivity and morale.

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State of the art facilities

Apart from the benefits stated above, all electric machines are more precise with significantly improved repeatability and as a result quality outcomes are not only improved, but start-up times have been dramatically reduced whilst scrap levels have plummeted to near non-measurable levels.

We are proud of our manufacturing facility which has been radically transformed reducing carbon emissions without compromising in quality or efficiency.

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Forme Tech - ISO-13485-QMS-transparent-logo
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